AES 256 Encrytion
HTTPS, WebSockets over SSL/TLS
0% Loss Rate
Auto Reconnect
HD Live Video Streaming
Real-time C2 Command and Control
Mavlink Protocol
Control UAV via MissionPlanner, QGroundControl
XBStation maintains servers across the globe, XBLink will connect to the closest data center to ensure the lowest latency and high speed.
XBStation data centers are located at: Ohio (US East), California(US West), Frankfurt(Europe Central), Mumbai (Asia Pacific South), HongKong Asia Pacific East)
This link demonstrate how to run drone simulation with XBLink.
The Ardupilot The SITL (software in the loop) allows you to run Plane, Copter or Rover without any hardware. You can simulate a flight and control it from you GCS over internet network in easy steps.